Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Member Profile 3: Chew Fei Ying (Zowie)

Hi, my name is Chew Fei Ying. My friends call me flying eagle because ‘fei ying’ has the same pronunciation as flying eagle is Chinese! I am petite with a head of curly hair. I come from a family of five members, my parents and two elder brothers. I am lucky enough to be the youngest at home.

Being born is the era of technologies, most of my free time is spent in front of the computer. I like playing computer games, chatting with friends, checking my e-mails, blogging and looking for information for education and learning.

I often visit for the most recent happenings in Malaysia and around the world. is one of my favourite websites too. I get to know the latest updates on our education systems and various opinions from different people. Then, it is the I have interest in psychology besides accounting. It is fun to get to know more about people around you. The next website would be, I like indulging in the gossips among friends there. The last website I would like to squeeze into my top 5 list is the gaming website, After all, we need to relax ourselves on and off.

Besides that, I love collecting chocolate candy wrappers. Yes, I am more interested in the wrappers than the chocolates! Occasionally, I go to KTV with my friends too. We like to sing, regardless of we could sing well…

Lastly, nice to meet everyone here…


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